1. Jackie Kavanagh and Rachael Heleniak
A presentation was made by Jackie Kavanagh and Rachael Heleniak on the budget request for 2025 related to the Information Centre and tourism. Their presentation included information on key deliverables of the Town’s Memorandum of Understanding with the Chamber and of the Destination Development Action Plan, numerous statistics, media efforts, results of funding applications and a summary of the budget request for 2025. A total of $98,919 is being requested for 2025, comprised of $54,919 for the Tourism Office, $24,000 for supplementary staffing and $20,000 for marketing activities.
Ms. Kavanagh was asked to provide a copy of the presentation to members of Council to review the information provided in more detail.
Following the presentation, members were afforded the opportunity to ask questions. After all questions had been addressed, Ms. Kavanagh and Ms. Heleniak were thanked for their presentation and they left the meeting.
2. Treasurer Trisa McConkey
The Treasurer provided an overview of the proposed 2025 budget and its recommended tax increase of 3% with an additional 4% to offset the OPP contract increase. The budget was developed using the Town's strategic plan, asset management plan and draft ten (10) year plan. A summary of significant factors that contributed to revenue decreases and expense increases was provided. Major operating changes were listed including but not limited to, staffing changes, changes to grant amounts received under both the OCIF and OMPF programs, and increases to insurance premiums.
Presentations were then made by the various Departmental Managers and other employees outlining major operating changes from the 2024 budget and providing information on capital items within the respective budget areas. The meeting recessed at 12:03 p.m. for a lunch break and resumed at 12:43 p.m.
Throughout the day various items were flagged in a ‘parking lot list’ for further discussion. Discussions on the draft 2025 budget will continue at the next Special Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.