Meeting #:
Town Hall Council Chambers
  • Mayor Black
  • Deputy Mayor Redmond
  • Councillor Fritz
  • Councillor Seccaspina
  • Councillor Randell
  • Councillor Tennant
  • Councillor Atkinson
  • Diane Smithson, CAO
  • Stacey Blair, Clerk

Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m

  • Motion No.20-130-01
    Moved by:Councillor Seccaspina
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT the Agenda be approved as presented.

  • Motion No.20-130-02
    Moved by:Councillor Fritz
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT the Council Minutes dated October 8, 2019 be accepted as presented.


Kate Murray, BIA Coordinator and Diane Jolicoeur of the Creative Studio presented a piece of art to Council that was created for the 200th Anniversary celebrations. It consists of a backdrop of the 200th Anniversary logo with 200 superimposed over the logo with raised letters. The letters were signed by residents of Carleton Place during the 2019 Bridge Street Summerfest.

  • Motion No.20-130-03
    Moved by:Councillor Fritz
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT Council receive the Consent Report dated October 22, 2019.


    Committee of the Whole – OCTOBER 8, 2019


    1. Resignation of Dave Young, Director of Public Works

    THAT Council accept with regrets the resignation of Dave Young, due to retirement, effective April 30, 2020.


    1. Committee Resignations

    THAT the resignations of Doreen Donald and Leslee Brown from the Environmental Advisory Committee be accepted with regrets; and

    THAT a letter of thanks be sent to Ms. Donald and Ms. Brown on behalf of the Town and Council.


Physical Environment
  • Motion No.20-130-04
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT Council support Option 1 - Change Overnight Winter Parking to Pre 2011 System; and
    THAT By-law 50-2011 pertaining to winter parking restrictions be rescinded which would result in the winter parking restrictions of By-Law 46-2003 Section 9. 2) being reinstated as follows:

    No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway
    between 12:00 a.m. midnight to 7:00 a.m. from November 15 to April 1 of any year.

    AND THAT enforcement of the By-law not proceed until January 1, 2020.

Planning and Protection
  • Motion No.20-130-05
    Moved by:Councillor Tennant
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Redmond

    THAT the deadline for commercial and industrial property owners who would like to address their expansion plans for their property as well as any existing shipping containers be granted an extension to the deadline until April 30, 2020 on the provision that:

    • A DP3 application with all supporting documentation/studies and payment in full is submitted by December 31, 2019 and deemed complete by Planning Staff.
  • Motion No.20-130-06
    Moved by:Councillor Atkinson
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT the Council of the Town of Carleton Place supports the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) in its submission to the Attorney General entitled “Towards A Reasonable Balance:  Addressing growing municipal liability and insurance costs”; and

    THAT the Town endorses the AMO’s recommendations to address these issues as follows:

    1. The provincial government adopt a model of full proportionate liability to replace joint and several liability.
    2. Implement enhancements to the existing limitations period including the continued applicability of the existing 10-day rule on slip and fall cases given recent judicial interpretations, and whether a 1-year limitation period may be beneficial.
    3. Implement a cap for economic loss awards.
    4. Increase the catastrophic impairment default benefit limit to $2 million and increase the third-party liability coverage to $2 million in government regulated automobile insurance plans.
    5. Assess and implement additional measures which would support lower premiums or alternatives to the provision of insurance services by other entities such as non-profit insurance reciprocals.
    6. Compel the insurance industry to supply all necessary financial evidence including premiums, claims, and deductible limit changes which support its, and municipal arguments as to the fiscal impact of joint and several liability.
    7. Establish a provincial and municipal working group to consider the above and put forward recommendations to the Attorney General.
Community Issues
  • Motion No.20-130-07
    Moved by:Councillor Atkinson
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT Council approve the allocation of Community Enrichment Grants to various organizations under Intake 2 in the amount of $2,525.00

  • Motion No.20-130-08
    Moved by:Councillor Fritz
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT By-law 97-2019 (Amendment to Sign, Merchandise Display and Awning By-law No. 65-2008 (BIA) be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed.

  • Motion No.20-130-09
    Moved by:Councillor Seccaspina
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT By-law 98-2019 (Arthur Street Dedication, Part 4 on RP 27R-5391) be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed.

  • Councillor Tennant declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Tennant has previously worked for Cardell.  He left the Council Chambers while this matter was dispensed with.)
  • Motion No.20-130-10
    Moved by:Councillor Atkinson
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Redmond

    THAT By-law 99-2019 (Part Lot Control for 72-80 Stokes Drive) be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed.

  • Councillor Tennant declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Tennant has previously worked for Cardell. He left the Council Chambers while this matter was dispensed with.)
  • Motion No.20-130-11
    Moved by:Councillor Seccaspina
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT By-law 100-2019 (Part Lot Control for 84-90 Stokes Drive) be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed.


The Mayor read a proclamation for Waste Reduction Week.

Councillor Randell announced that the owner of Canadian Tire has donated four (4) filtered water bottle refilling stations to the Town.  The stations are to be installed at the arena.

Councillor Seccaspina announced that commencing on October 23rd, St. James Church will be offering a free breakfast between 9-11 a.m. every Wednesday.

  • Motion No.20-130-12
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT By-law 101-2019 (To Confirm the Council Proceedings) be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed.


All rose for the singing of O Canada.

  • Motion No.20-130-13
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT the Twentieth Meeting of the One Hundred and Thirtieth Council be hereby adjourned.