Virtual Zoom Meeting
  • Mayor Black
  • Deputy Mayor Redmond
  • Councillor Seccaspina
  • Councillor Randell
  • Councillor Tennant
  • Councillor Atkinson
  • Councillor Parsons
  • Diane Smithson, CAO
  • Stacey Blair, Clerk

Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

  • Motion No.5-132-01
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT the Agenda be approved as presented.

  • Motion No.5-132-02
    Moved by:Councillor Randell
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT the Council Minutes dated February 23rd, 2021, be accepted as presented.


Michelle Vala and Susan Brandum made a presentation to Council which provided background information about the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Program.  The PCP is a network of over 450 Canadian municipalities that have committed to reducing greenhouse gases (GHG).

Ms. Vala described the steps required for a climate action plan and the various milestones to be accomplished.  As well, it was explained how the Climate Action Plan Committee operates.  

Ms. Brandum then explained to Council the operations of Climate Network Lanark. Lastly, the required reporting to the PCP was explained to members of Council.  

  • Motion No.5-132-03
    Moved by:Councillor Randell
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT Council receive the Consent Report dated March 9th, 2021:

    Planning and Protection

    Signage Control Download for County Corridors (Communication 132025)

    THAT Committee of the Whole refuse accepting the additional Sign By-law responsibility that is proposed to be downloaded from Lanark County to the Town.

    2020 Department Activity Report Card (Communication 132026)

    THAT the 2020 Development Activity Report by the Director of Development Services dated February 23, 2021 be received as information.

    Policy Review

    Council Appointments to Advisory Committee/Boards (Communication 132031)

    THAT Council approve the following new Advisory Committee and Board appointments:

    Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority – Councillor Tennant

    Carleton Place Police Services Board – Deputy Mayor Redmond

    Carleton Place Youth Centre – Wes Parsons

    Carleton Place Childcare Committee – Wes Parsons

    Sister City Committee – Councillor Seccaspina

    BIA – Councillor Randell

    AND THAT all other existing appointments remain in place until the end of this term of Council.

    Committee Updates and Information

    Motion from the Environmental Advisory Committee – Rain Barrels

    THAT Council approve adding water/rain barrels to the existing composter subsidy program as recommended by the Carleton Place Environmental Advisory Committee.  

    Advisory Committee Appointments

    THAT Council recommends the following Advisory Committee appointments:

    1. Ian Ross – Municipal Heritage Committee
    2. Daniel McShane – Municipal Drug Strategy Committee
  • Motion No.5-132-04
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT Council supports a one (1) year extension of the Draft Approval for the Bodnar Subdivision; and
    THAT Staff be instructed to inform the County of Lanark.

  • Motion No.5-132-05
    Moved by:Councillor Tennant
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada) have established the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program to provide a forum for municipal governments to share their knowledge and experience with other municipal governments on how to reduce GHG emissions;

    WHEREAS over 350 municipal governments across Canada representing more than 65% of the population have already committed to reducing corporate and community GHG emissions through the PCP program since its inception in 1994;

    WHEREAS the PCP program is based on a five-milestone framework that involves completing a GHG inventory and forecast, setting a GHG reduction target, developing a local action plan, implementing the plan, and monitoring progress and reporting results;

    BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Carleton Place review the guidelines on PCP Member Benefits and Responsibilities and then communicate to FCM and ICLEI Canada its participation in the PCP program and its commitment to achieving the milestones set out in the PCP five-milestone framework;

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of Carleton Place appoint the following:

    1. Corporate staff person: Ross Rankin, Property and Project Manager
    2. Elected official: Jeff Atkinson, Councillor

    to oversee implementation of the PCP milestones and be the points of contact for the PCP program within the municipality.

  • Motion No.5-132-06
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Seccaspina

    THAT Council approve the 2020 Development Charges Background Study dated December 7, 2020, as amended by the Committee of the Whole on March 2, 2021, subject to further annual review during the capital budget process; and

    THAT Council determine that no further public meeting is required on the matter.

  • Motion No.5-132-07
    Moved by:Councillor Randell
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT By-law 34-2021 (Amendment to the Waste Collection By-law 19-2013) be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.

  • Motion No.5-132-08
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Seccaspina

    THAT By-law 35-2021 (Amendment to the Fees and Charges By-law 114-2020, Waste Collection) be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.

  • Motion No.5-132-09
    Moved by:Councillor Randell
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT By-law 36-2021 (Amendment to the Traffic and Parking By-law 46-2003, Moore Street and OVRT) be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.

  • Motion No.5-132-10
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Tennant

    THAT By-law 37-2021 (Appointment of Michael Cooke as a Building Official, Building Inspector/Plans Examiner and a By-law Enforcement Officer) be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed.

  • Motion No.5-132-11
    Moved by:Councillor Randell
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Redmond

    THAT the following Part Lot Control By-laws be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed:

    • By-law 38-2021 Part Lot Control 66 and 68 McPhail Road
    • By-law 39-2021 Part Lot Control 153 and 155 McPhail Road
    • By-law 40-2021 Part Lot Control 159 and 161 McPhail Road
  • Motion No.5-132-12
    Moved by:Councillor Tennant
    Seconded by:Councillor Randell

    THAT By-law 41-2021 (Development Charges) be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed.


Mayor Black read a statement in observance of March 11th regarding COVID-19 which recognized the handwork and sacrifice that has been made during this pandemic.

In remembrance of Councillor Theresa Fritz, Councillor Linda Seccaspina read a proclamation regarding International Women's Day.  Mayor Black then declared March 8th as International Women's Day in the Town of Carleton Place.

Councillor Tennant spoke about the history of the Carleton Place Public Library which was established in 1846 and the upcoming virtual celebrations of its 175th anniversary.

  • Motion No.5-132-13
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Atkinson

    THAT By-law 42-2021 (Confirmation of Council Proceedings for March 9th, 2021) be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed.

  • Motion No.5-132-14
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Redmond
    Seconded by:Councillor Seccaspina

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:40 p.m.